Even more exciting than Launch Week will be the results of the giveaways all week next week as winners are randomly selected.
Since we can't have "Launch Week", every week, here are some things you can expect from Gonna Want This-Handmade! and ways that you can participate in this blog evne more fully!
Gonna Want This-Handmade! will have daily posts Monday through Friday, with some occasional weekend posts for special information or occasions. During the week, these are some of the features you can look forward to:
Monday: "Make It Myself Monday" - on Mondays you will find posts encouraging the "crafty challenged" (ie...Me!) to try their hand at creating something crafty and handmade on their own. I will set my pride aside and share on "Make It Myself Monday" about the projects I will be trying, the results (successes AND failures) and how-to tutorials. Maybe we'll turn those of us that are "crafty challenged" in handmade artisans ourselves someday!
Wednesday: "Win It Wednesday" - on Wednesdays you can expect giveaway feature posts where you can sign up to win the giveaway. Since most giveaways will be scheduled to be a week in length, most "Win It Wednesday" posts will also include a brief congratulations to the winner of the previous contest.
Friday: "Feature Friday" - on Fridays I will be featuring a handmade artisan. These features may include a special offer for readers to use to purchase products from the featured artist (ie - 20% off of products or free shipping). These features are not reviews nor will they include giveaways, but will be a way to gain awareness of artists that may not have the ability to do a review or giveaway post.
Tuesday & Thursday: Posts on these days will be devoted to reviews of products and services of handmade artisans, pertinant information on buying handmade products, or other relevant information.
How Can YOU be more involved in Gonna Want This - Handmade!?
1 - Sign up to receive posts via e-mail, but using the sign up tool in the left sidebar that says "Subscribe Via E-mail". Posts will be e-mailed with embedded links that can bring you directly back to the blog to view posts more fully (and sign up for giveaways) or link through to other relevant links within the blog. By signing up to receive posts via e-mail, you will not risk missing an important post!
2 - Become a follower of Gonna Want This-Handmade! This tells me that Gonna Want This-Handmade! is a blog you are interested in keeping your eye on, and it provides you the ability to read up on posts in one of the many 'reader' programs that exist - including one set up by Blogger. See sidebar for a quick link to become a Follower!
3 - If you have your own blog, you could add Gonna Want This-Handmade! to your blog roll. Let me know in the comments if you do this - I would like to visit your blog too and thank you!
4 - My special days (ie - "Make It Myself Mondays", etc.) will have a thing called "MckLinky" embedded within the post - allowing other blog authors to put a link on Gonna Want This-Handmade! to take readers to their blogs if they are participating in the given theme of the day! (for example, if Suzie Q at Blog ABC also writes a post about something she has decided to try to make herself, she can add a link to her post that readers will see on mine and could elect to read if they choose. Still not sure what I'm talking about? Make sure to visit on those theme days and you'll see.
5 - If you are a handmade artisan selling your own products, I encourage you to consider one of several options here at Gonna Want This-Handmade! Briefly, those options include: 'Feature Friday', Giveaway, Review, Giveaway/Review and Advertising Spots. Read HERE for more information, and contact me to sign up!
6 - Become a friend of Gonna Want This-Handmade! on Twitter, by following me @bloggymama!
7 - Bookmark Gonna Want This-Handmade! on your computer so you will always be able to find it! (but better yet, do option 1 or 2...or BOTH and you'll have all up-to-date Gonna Want This-Handmade! activity and information!)
8 - Tell your friends and family about Gonna Want This - Handmade!
All for now...come back and see what I will be starting on "Make It Myself Monday"!
Click HERE to go to the post about Mailbox Bliss and enter the Digital Custom Card Giveaway (ends 11/30)
Click HERE to go the post about Baby Peas & Bees and enter the "Baby in a Basket" Gift Giveaway (ends 12/1)
Click HERE to go to the post about O2 Designs and enter the Beaded Origami Crane Earrings Giveaway (ends 12/2)
Click HERE to go to the post about TToz Designs and enter the Baby Loungewear Set Giveaway (ends 12/3)
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The beauty of handmade is infinite...originality, eco-friendly, and supportive of small businesses and creativity. Thanks for supporting handmade by your participation on this blog!